Global exhibitions & events specialists in food & drink

Creating Export Success for Food and Drink Companies

 +44 (0)20 3318 2967


Cologne, Germany

1-4 February 2026

Global trade show for Sweets, Biscuits and Snacks


Show Info

This annual trade show is a must for anyone looking to build their UK and export sales in the sweets, biscuits, snack and hot beverage sectors.

Check out our video for a glimpse of what awaits you at ISM and hear from our 2024 exhibitors - ISM 2024

Recruitment for the UK group for 2026 will open soon. Please register your interest here.

The Package

Your Own Stand

"Despite all the talk of Brexit I feel ISM 2017 was our best show ever. I feel a great deal of the praise should be shared with your team. Year after year you give all us exhibitors a great base to preform from. Consistently providing a great service no matter what the weather or travel chaos throws up. Your team always seem to deal extremely well with any problems producing a solution from thin air. So thank you to you and your team as its appreciated".

Lewis Maclean, Macleans Highland Bakery

The British pavilion is one of the strongest national groups at the show with over 70 companies exhibiting as part of the pavilion each year. The UK group includes both small new producers and established exporters.

Why exhibit?

· Approx 35,000 visitors from 140 countries
· 1,476 exhibiting companies from 68 countries
· 84% trade visitors from outside Germany – a truly international show
· Meet with existing customers and find new ones
· Launch new or seasonal products at ISM
· Benefit from the contacts of established UK exporters in the pavilion